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Old Blue Dragon

Old Blue Dragon  - blue dragon, dragon on mountain top, light, dragon, ning, other, ad and d dragon
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Wallpaper Description:
Old Blue Dragon on Mountain Top Pic rescaled and refined by Photoshop from an old AD&D Source Sorry for the long Poem Comment , It is my most beloved Dragon Poem .

Dragon Wise, Dragon Old...

Dragon wise, dragon old,
Dragon who did not covet
glittering jewels or gleaming gold.
Dragon who did not hide in some great,
dark, hidden, mountain cave,
Dragon who left his distant homeland to help and save.

Dragon who did not revel
in death and Hellfire,
Dragon who did not see himself
as a being higher.
Dragon who long ago stood with us,
the last of the brave and the good,
Dragon who resisted great Evil
and against Darkness withstood.

Dragon who faced the terrible being
who sought to destroy all life,
Dragon who knew him well
though many years of war and strife.
Dragon who beheld the satanic might
of the Dark Foe without fear,
Dragon who spoke only four words to him,
\'Your reign ends here! \'

Dragon who stared unfazed
into the Dark Foe\'s single, raging eye,
Dragon who did not flinch when he screamed back,
\'I will make your blood reign from the sky! \'
Dragon who held the fate our the world
in his long, lethal claws,
Dragon who challenged the Dark Foe\'s armies
through flaming jaws.

Dragon whose mighty roar
was like the loudest of thunder,
Dragon whose god-like voice
tore their twisted minds asunder.
Dragon who laughed at the Dark Foe,
whose wrath then cloaked the sun,
Dragon who filled us with his courage
when we all wanted to run.

Dragon whose white fire drove back
the Blackness of the Night,
Dragon who battled on, wounded,
yet refusing to rest or give up the fight.
Dragon who was the first to charge
and the last to retreat,
Dragon who showed our enemies
the true meaning of defeat.

Dragon who rose like a god on great wings
to fight the Dark Foe to the death,
Dragon who had vowed to defend us and our world
until his last breath.
Dragon whose blood ran free when pierced through
with the poisoned spear of the the Dark Foe,
Dragon who crushed him in a deadly embrace
as he took that final, mortal blow.

Dragon who continued to fight,
his Life still surging and burning within,
Dragon who was so pure and powerful,
Death was afraid to claim him.
Dragon who ascended with the Dark Foe to the heights
where only the stars and suns dwell.
Dragon who showed him the beautiful Earth
he sought to turn into a hell.

Dragon who drove his claws into the Dark Foe
and tore out his vile spirit,
Dragon who cried, \'You began it, I stopped it,
and now let the Creator end it! \'
Dragon who finally fell pierced from the sky
like a huge, burning star,
Dragon whose thundering death-cry
was herd by all near and far.

Dragon who died with the Dark Foe\'s withered body
clutched tight in his grasp,
Dragon who won us the greatest victory
with his final, pain-filled gasp.
Dragon whose great Soul now flies
through Heaven\'s endless skies,
Dragon who lit up our dark world
with a Light that never dies.

Dragon who loved us so much,
the ultimate gift he did give,
Dragon who gave us his Life
so we all could continue to live.
Dragon who filled our hard hearts
with wisdom, kindness and love,
Dragon who was so powerful and strong
yet humble to the God Above.

Dragon who befriended us, lifted us up,
and brought us all together.
Dragon whose words and deeds
will be cherished and remembered forever.
Dragon fierce yet wise, dragon strong yet old,
Dragon rest in peace, for your tale has been told.

Sloane Jensen
Tigerkaetzchen Uploaded by Tigerkaetzchen on . Old Blue Dragon - Desktop Nexus Abstract Download free wallpapers and background images: Old Blue Dragon . Desktop Nexus Abstract background ID 91567. Old Blue Dragon on Mountain Top Pic rescaled and refined by Photoshop from an old AD&D Source Sorry for the long Poem Comment , It is my most beloved Dragon Poem .

Dragon Wise, Dragon Old...

Dragon wise, dragon old,
Dragon who did not covet
glittering jewels or gleaming gold.
Dragon who did not hide in some great,
dark, hidden, mountain cave,
Dragon who left his distant homeland to help and save.

Dragon who did not revel
in death and Hellfire,
Dragon who did not see himself
as a being higher.
Dragon who long ago stood with us,
the last of the brave and the good,
Dragon who resisted great Evil
and against Darkness withstood.

Dragon who faced the terrible being
who sought to destroy all life,
Dragon who knew him well
though many years of war and strife.
Dragon who beheld the satanic might
of the Dark Foe without fear,
Dragon who spoke only four words to him,
\'Your reign ends here! \'

Dragon who stared unfazed
into the Dark Foe\'s single, raging eye,
Dragon who did not flinch when he screamed back,
\'I will make your blood reign from the sky! \'
Dragon who held the fate our the world
in his long, lethal claws,
Dragon who challenged the Dark Foe\'s armies
through flaming jaws.

Dragon whose mighty roar
was like the loudest of thunder,
Dragon whose god-like voice
tore their twisted minds asunder.
Dragon who laughed at the Dark Foe,
whose wrath then cloaked the sun,
Dragon who filled us with his courage
when we all wanted to run.

Dragon whose white fire drove back
the Blackness of the Night,
Dragon who battled on, wounded,
yet refusing to rest or give up the fight.
Dragon who was the first to charge
and the last to retreat,
Dragon who showed our enemies
the true meaning of defeat.

Dragon who rose like a god on great wings
to fight the Dark Foe to the death,
Dragon who had vowed to defend us and our world
until his last breath.
Dragon whose blood ran free when pierced through
with the poisoned spear of the the Dark Foe,
Dragon who crushed him in a deadly embrace
as he took that final, mortal blow.

Dragon who continued to fight,
his Life still surging and burning within,
Dragon who was so pure and powerful,
Death was afraid to claim him.
Dragon who ascended with the Dark Foe to the heights
where only the stars and suns dwell.
Dragon who showed him the beautiful Earth
he sought to turn into a hell.

Dragon who drove his claws into the Dark Foe
and tore out his vile spirit,
Dragon who cried, \'You began it, I stopped it,
and now let the Creator end it! \'
Dragon who finally fell pierced from the sky
like a huge, burning star,
Dragon whose thundering death-cry
was herd by all near and far.

Dragon who died with the Dark Foe\'s withered body
clutched tight in his grasp,
Dragon who won us the greatest victory
with his final, pain-filled gasp.
Dragon whose great Soul now flies
through Heaven\'s endless skies,
Dragon who lit up our dark world
with a Light that never dies.

Dragon who loved us so much,
the ultimate gift he did give,
Dragon who gave us his Life
so we all could continue to live.
Dragon who filled our hard hearts
with wisdom, kindness and love,
Dragon who was so powerful and strong
yet humble to the God Above.

Dragon who befriended us, lifted us up,
and brought us all together.
Dragon whose words and deeds
will be cherished and remembered forever.
Dragon fierce yet wise, dragon strong yet old,
Dragon rest in peace, for your tale has been told.

Sloane Jensen
Rating: 5.0

Wallpaper Comments (7)

Posted by willy77 on 02/27/14 at 07:36 PM
Posted by underthorne on 06/03/12 at 12:57 AM
I enjoyed reading the poem and sharing both the picture and the poem with us.
Posted by Rookie on 04/19/11 at 01:12 PM
It reminds me Spyro
Posted by mary01 on 08/07/09 at 11:06 PM
love this.mary
Posted by Artist09 on 05/22/09 at 02:37 AM
I like and add favorite =D
Posted by Imp on 05/20/09 at 12:55 PM
love the pic....even thou silvers are better =P
Posted by freedemocracy on 05/20/09 at 06:51 AM
What a beautiful Poem
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Wallpaper Statistics

Total Downloads: 8,130
Times Favorited: 75
Uploaded By: Tigerkaetzchen
Date Uploaded: May 19, 2009
Filename: 208505200901.jpg
Original Resolution: 1440x960
File Size: 165.33KB
Category: Fantasy

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