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Rainbow Waterfalls Of Dreams

Rainbow Waterfalls Of Dreams - colourful, cool, water, beautiful, waterfall, hot, rainbow waterfalls of dreams, sky, rainbow, geese, nature, colors, birds, colorful
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Wallpaper Description:


Photoshop Cs3

My gallery is Copyrighted © Christara
All rights reserved.
All Images contained in my Deviantart gallery which has been uploaded on Desktop Nexus may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, or uploaded in any Site(s) including Blogs without my written permission.

One copy may be download for personal use only.
Please download the original to get the full aspect to appreciate it?.

Rainbow Waterfalls Of Dreams.
i,ve noticed with a lot of wallpapers out there including my own are being voted down i think this is pretty sick,not that i give a dam,but hey if your going to vote wallpapers down at least leave an opinion as to why maybe we, that are having wallpaper,s down graded, can then put something up that wil suit all tatse rather than just doing a google search for any rubbish, but maybe its just to keep your wallpaper on the home page a little longer in the hope of getting yours voted up,.
so if you see fit to downgrade me or my wallpapers then so be it,but its quite disrespectful for this reason and to make others feel like there work is no good by downgrading them, just so yours can gather points, all my uploads are done by me and are my work, which takes many hours, and others will more than likely feel the same who put many hours into there,s also..
thanks for all comments but not thanks for all time waster,s......
fair income but when i see it,it says +36 which i calculate by your reckoning if there 70 and 17 which are negitive then it should total 53, but like i say i go to the home page and it says on there +36, strange going on,s. or is it that 17 voted it up then come back and then voted it down because it gives there wallpapers a better chance of staying on home page to be voted up,.but hey what the heck,still think its a lousy voting system,
i just feel like its a let down by desktop nexus that some people put many of hours work into something that it seems a shame that people have the right to vote it down,thats quite disrespective,very dishearting indeed,it would be so much better to do away with that voting down thing and then if they don,t like it for something they could and should write something instead,at least the person doing the wallpaper will have a positive feedback rather than some one just voting it down,
cheers mate,e no prob,s have a good day,
byeeeee 4 now.

Originally posted by komodo

You have 70 votes on that wallpaper, 17 of which are negative. The negatives are scattered throughout a wide range of IP addresses and geographical locations... I don\'t see any correlation between these down votes and any of your other wallpapers.

I believe it\'s just individual people\'s taste. Not everyone will like a rainbow colored waterfall. Don\'t take it personally... it\'s just their opinions, and over 3/4ths of the people who see the wallpaper like it.

Best regards,
- Harry

Originally posted by christara
hello there again,. here we go again,.i,ve been keeping an eye on this wallpaper (Wallpaper ID: 34726) and once again i believe it having points deducted again malicously, not been keeping an eye on others but i think some one is doing it to my wallpapers for the sake of it,.
thanks for your help,.
byeeeeeee 4 now.
and am not getting any message,s thru when some one writes on my wallpapers like i used to and i,ve not changed anything in my settings and am still got my tick in to recieve so not sure whats going there,...
chat sooooooooon,.bye 4 now,.
christara Uploaded by christara on . Rainbow Waterfalls Of Dreams - Desktop Nexus Abstract Download free wallpapers and background images: Rainbow Waterfalls Of Dreams. Desktop Nexus Abstract background ID 34726.

Photoshop Cs3

My gallery is Copyrighted © Christara
All rights reserved.
All Images contained in my Deviantart gallery which has been uploaded on Desktop Nexus may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, or uploaded in any Site(s) including Blogs without my written permission.

One copy may be download for personal use only.
Please download the original to get the full aspect to appreciate it?.

Rainbow Waterfalls Of Dreams.
i,ve noticed with a lot of wallpapers out there including my own are being voted down i think this is pretty sick,not that i give a dam,but hey if your going to vote wallpapers down at least leave an opinion as to why maybe we, that are having wallpaper,s down graded, can then put something up that wil suit all tatse rather than just doing a google search for any rubbish, but maybe its just to keep your wallpaper on the home page a little longer in the hope of getting yours voted up,.
so if you see fit to downgrade me or my wallpapers then so be it,but its quite disrespectful for this reason and to make others feel like there work is no good by downgrading them, just so yours can gather points, all my uploads are done by me and are my work, which takes many hours, and others will more than likely feel the same who put many hours into there,s also..
thanks for all comments but not thanks for all time waster,s......
fair income but when i see it,it says +36 which i calculate by your reckoning if there 70 and 17 which are negitive then it should total 53, but like i say i go to the home page and it says on there +36, strange going on,s. or is it that 17 voted it up then come back and then voted it down because it gives there wallpapers a better chance of staying on home page to be voted up,.but hey what the heck,still think its a lousy voting system,
i just feel like its a let down by desktop nexus that some people put many of hours work into something that it seems a shame that people have the right to vote it down,thats quite disrespective,very dishearting indeed,it would be so much better to do away with that voting down thing and then if they don,t like it for something they could and should write something instead,at least the person doing the wallpaper will have a positive feedback rather than some one just voting it down,
cheers mate,e no prob,s have a good day,
byeeeee 4 now.

Originally posted by komodo

You have 70 votes on that wallpaper, 17 of which are negative. The negatives are scattered throughout a wide range of IP addresses and geographical locations... I don\'t see any correlation between these down votes and any of your other wallpapers.

I believe it\'s just individual people\'s taste. Not everyone will like a rainbow colored waterfall. Don\'t take it personally... it\'s just their opinions, and over 3/4ths of the people who see the wallpaper like it.

Best regards,
- Harry

Originally posted by christara
hello there again,. here we go again,.i,ve been keeping an eye on this wallpaper (Wallpaper ID: 34726) and once again i believe it having points deducted again malicously, not been keeping an eye on others but i think some one is doing it to my wallpapers for the sake of it,.
thanks for your help,.
byeeeeeee 4 now.
and am not getting any message,s thru when some one writes on my wallpapers like i used to and i,ve not changed anything in my settings and am still got my tick in to recieve so not sure whats going there,...
chat sooooooooon,.bye 4 now,.
Rating: 5.0

Wallpaper Comments (147)

Posted by guardian2000 on 07/24/15 at 03:13 AM
Lovely +1f
Posted by Talislanta on 07/23/15 at 05:20 PM
❤ ♡ ❤ Favorited and Enjoyed !!!
Posted by AdeleG on 07/22/15 at 01:55 PM
V Lovely ★
Posted by Darksong on 07/22/15 at 10:32 AM
Spectacular Color!
Posted by Alexandra66 on 07/22/15 at 07:00 AM
Posted by SultanMehmood on 08/13/12 at 12:12 AM
Posted by TKR99 on 07/30/12 at 09:48 AM
Well, I think it's unusual & different. Sadly I've found the same problem on many other sites where there's a voting system or even just reviews - some will provide negatives in order to push up their own positive - but what goes around comes around, & their day will come - if not on this forum, then elsewhere & when it means the most!!
Posted by fascothom89 on 07/19/12 at 06:37 AM
thts beautyful.........
Posted by BelladonnaBaby on 06/28/12 at 12:23 PM
i wish all water was as visibly rainbow.
Posted by Annteaa on 06/06/12 at 05:17 AM
Lovley! how do you do that? o_O
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Wallpaper Statistics

Total Downloads: 129,505
Times Favorited: 784
Uploaded By: christara
Date Uploaded: January 13, 2009
Filename: aterfalls-Of-Dreams.jpg
Original Resolution: 1440x900
File Size: 833.4KB
Category: 3D and CG

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